Emergency or Accident Safety Tips 

Emergencies, incidents and accidents can happen, but many can be avoided.  Below are some actions and best practices you can do to avoid or mitigate an emergency, incident, or accident.

House Fire
Action 1: Make a plan with your family or people you live with

Make sure you have an escape plan and safe meeting spot away from danger. Not just for the house, consider other frequently visited places, such as church, stores, or parks.

Action 2: Prepare an emergency bag

Keep a bag packed and in a designated spot, so you can grab and go in the event of an emergency.  Items to consider:

  • First aid kit
  • Extra change of clothes
  • Flashlight
  • Charger
  • Toothbrush

Action 3: Practice your escape plan

Practicing your escape plan with your family will build muscle memory, so if an emergency happens, you and your family are ready.

Vehicle Safety

Action 1: Plan your route

Make sure to plan your route to where you are going, and be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to get there.  It's better to be late a few minutes than risk an accident!  If you are travelling to unknown areas, check your route prior to leaving, so you have a good understanding of where you are headed.  Check for road closures and the weather.  

Action 2: Prepare for your journey

Whether long road trip or a mile drive, always prepare yourself and the vehicle to avoid distractions.  Things to consider:

  • Eat before you leave
  • Place electronics in a designated spot
  • Check tire pressure
  • Check fuel and other fluid levels
  • Check mirrors, lights and seat placement

Action 3: Practice defensive driving

Keeping your eyes 'moving' will help avoid accidents, whether checking your mirrors frequently, or looking for pedestrians prior to entering an intersection or turning.  Other tips and recommendations can be found here.

Other Emergencies or Disasters

Being prepared for other emergencies or disasters is important as well.  Whether wildfire, floods, or earthquakes, planning, preparing, and practicing for these types of events is crucial for survival.  Check out other preparedness actions here.